Monday, October 3, 2016

A Guide to Understanding Customer Personas

Customers are people. Whether you’re in B2B or B2C sales it is people who make the decisions be it individuals or groups of people and they all share on thing in common: personas. What is a Customer Persona? A customer persona is a thorough understanding of who you are selling to so you can deliver the proper digital experience. It consists of a customer’s job title, department, product knowledge, education, experience, likes, dislikes, where they trust information from, who influences them and who they influence, their goals, challenges, responsibilities and skills. Understanding the mass of customer personas out there — and the ones you’d like to target — enables you to ensure your marketing stack is built to maximize your return on investment. So how exactly do you go about tracking down the customer personas you want to target? It’s quite easy actually. I’ll start with some heavy tech speak and then translate it into English for the sake of waxing intellectua

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