Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Trials and Tribulations of a Distro Hopper

I've been a Linux user for as long as I can remember. Pretty much since I was a kid (I'm now 41) and there was a Linux distribution I could find. I didn't start with just Linux though.. I was installing OS/2 by floppy disk (30 or so of them) which was basically akin to punching oneself in the face for hours on end, especially when the last or next to last disk failed repeatedy and you had to start over. Oh OS/2. How I hated your many disks and the install time of 2+ hours. I even messed around with BeOS for a while. I purchased every release and loved it.. such a shame it didn't survive. Remember this beauty? I first got started with Linux either with Red Hat or SuSE. I remember Mandrake Linux when it first came out and being hugely excited. I remember falling in love with Slackware and feeling like a purist for using it. I remember stubbornly fighting with Red Hat to get Quake running on it and, once successful, bragging to my friends about the extra 2 frames per second I got over th

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