Friday, October 14, 2016

Ubuntu 16.10 Review

With the recent release of Ubuntu 16.10, we thought we'd delve into the latest release of this popular Linux distribution and share with your our Ubuntu 16.10 Review. This review is intended for the desktop user. If you hop distros as much as I do (see Trials and Tribulations of a Distro Hopper) then you're probably pretty excited to mess with this release. The installation process for Ubuntu hasn't changed a wink. As per usual, it's one of the fastest and easiest installs out there and for my hardware, worked without issue. Installation of third party drivers is quick and easy as per usual. Some people prefer to use the GUI to install drivers but I find the console still to be far more efficient for most tasks so I install all of my third party drivers with one line. sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall For those who want to use the GUI, however, just launch the app Software & Updates and click the Additional Drivers tab or, alternatively, use the shortcut and launch the Additional Driver

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