Wednesday, October 5, 2016

eZ Conference 2016 Day One: CMS Is Alive & Digital Transformation Is Tricky

It was a mild yet sunny October day in Paris, and just a short distance from the world famous L’arc de Triomphe, the eZ Conference 2016 was about to kick off. Before I get into the conference itself, let me just take a moment to comment on the superb venue. The Châteauform' City Le Cnit is a relatively small building in comparison to the stunning skyscrapers that surround it, but its architecture is remarkable nonetheless – both inside and out. Kudos to the eZ Platform team for their venue selection. "CMS Is Not Dead" The opening keynote was delivered by the founders of eZ Platform, Bard Farstad and Aleksander Farstad. Together, they shed light on the vision of eZ Platform, hammering home their content-centric approach. Interestingly, they saw it fit to also mention that: .@eZSystems founders @BardFarstad & @AleksFarstad: "CMS is not dead, it's just not the CMS you knew from the past." #eZConf2016 — CMS Critic (@cmscritic) October 5, 2016 What they meant of course, was that the

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