Monday, September 19, 2016

Surreal CMS Now Offers Demo Websites

Surreal CMS is a platform that integrates with existing websites to bring you inline editing and other content management functionality. It has been designed for web designers with clients who wish to modify their websites quickly and easily. Until now, there was no way to demo Surreal CMS without hooking it up to an existing website. But that just changed. As of today, you can test the features of Surreal CMS on a demo website before you commit to bringing it to your own web property. That’s not to say the integration process was ever too bad, though. The addition of some simple code into your website’s header does the trick. However, this update certainly makes things easier for prospective users. An Intro to Surreal CMS Manage all your websites and clients from one account. Surreal CMS connects to your websites using FTP, SFTP, or Amazon S3. You can then give clients access to specific pages or page areas, allowing them to edit their content inline. It's pretty sleek. Surreal C

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