Friday, September 16, 2016

7 Ways Wix Nails Search Engine Optimization

Nowadays, the average small or medium sized business owner will know about the importance of SEO (search engine optimization) even before they begin building their website. Website builders like Wix are of course ideal for such businesses, and thanks to the platform’s global success, they have had the luxury of honing their SEO features alongside their innovative page building functionality. In fact, Wix offers up seven simple ways to nail your website’s SEO campaign: 1. Blogging That’s right, blogging is still the most important ingredient in an SEO campaign – and Wix has it covered. With Wix, you can add a blog to your website with ease, just like any other page element. Then, you can begin publishing blog posts that will contribute towards to quality of your website’s search engine optimization through keywords and social sharing. Learn more about the benefits of blogging with Wix. 2. Page Meta Tags Meta tags aren’t visible to your website visitors, but they are visible

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