Monday, September 26, 2016

eFileCabinet: DMS in the Cloud or On-Premise

We’re kicking off another featured week here on CMS Critic, and this time, we’re joined by one of the world’s most popular document management systems; eFileCabinet. In a market full of big players like Google and Microsoft, eFileCabinet has cornered a delectable slice of the DMS market by securing 160,000 customers. Their success comes down to a number of features that make document management easy for all business types. But perhaps most interestingly, eFileCabinet leverages the power of being both in the cloud and on-premise, giving brands the option to choose between the two solutions for maximum flexibility and diverse deployment options. But before we delve into eFileCabinet fully, let’s refresh our memories regarding document management systems for just a second. What is a Document Management System? Well, long story short, it’s a software that manages your documents. Instead of a company storing all their files in physical cabinets and storage rooms, a document manag

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