Thursday, September 22, 2016

Gartner DWS 2016: How It Went Down

It may have been a typically grey London morning, but the Park Plaza Hotel in the heart of England's capital was looking elegant as I made my way to the entrance. I was ready for the first day of Gartner DWS 2016. Once inside, I was directed to the registration room where I was able to sign in and print my own pass. An attendant remarked that I was the first member of the press to arrive – which only intensified my resentment for my early morning alarm. But hey, I was on time for Gartner’s opening keynote, which to its credit, made it all seem worth it. Gartner's Debra Logan delivered the keynote to a room brimming with attendees. She entertainingly hopped between topics like customer engagement, leadership, and risk taking in the world of business. It was an intruguing presentation with lots of imagery, perfect as an appetizer for the two days ahead. Spotlight on Social Colloboration The rest of the two-day event had a big focus on social collaboration in the workplace. The spons

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