Friday, June 5, 2015

How To Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

Confession time. Peeling boiled eggs makes me mad. Peeling eggs makes me so mad that my family usually runs away from the kitchen when it s time for me to tackle the task. I might have yelled once while peeling eggs, threw them back into the pot and walked out of the kitchen fuming, irrationally furious. Fine, you caught me. The above statement is a lie. It s happened more than once. Peeling eggs and having them look like a badger chewed them and spit them out makes me irrationally mad. Ask Mike. He runs away and hides when it s time to peel eggs in our house. Either that or he gently takes the eggs out of my hands, steers me towards the couch and tells me to sit while he does it. (I still hate that they look like a badger chewed them but at least I didn t do it. Rational, right?) I m sure that you can understand how this is a problem being a deviled eggs lover. Oh, I love a good retro deviled egg and a recipe for my smoky bacon deviled eggs is coming right up this weekend after I

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