Saturday, November 2, 2013

Two Pros and their Blogs

Hi everyone! We are Mike and Karlynn Johnston, a married couple from Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We are also two professional bloggers by day and super parents by night. Or maybe just mediocre parents and super bloggers? Take your pick. This website has been years in the making. Like everyone else that blogs, we have searched the internet for blogging advice and like everyone else, we’ve also been overwhelmed at the sheer avalanche of information out there that comes falling down upon you. How can a person even begin to sort it out? Our main frustration when searching for real blogging advice is the lack of “blogging cred”. This is something that we are going to touch on a lot on this website. When searching popular websites for advice we would always look for the authors “real” blog. Where is the authors real blog, the one with content that isn’t about blogging? The website where they learned to work with sponsors, where they fielded emails from people, where they have advertis

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