Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to choose a Web Hosting Company for your Website

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Choosing a web hosting company for your website can definitely be daunting given the incredible number of hosting companies out there. There are hosts all over the world that offer tons of services at all ranges of prices. Trimming the fat and finding a quality one can feel overwhelming but don t fret, I ve got your back. First, make sure you ve read my How to Buy a Domain Name post if you haven t already done so and get your domain before you proceed. Tip #1 Don t Google Hosting Reviews! This may not seem obvious but about 99% of hosting review websites on Google are simply paid for reviews. I d avoid using them at all costs as you definitely will not find any honest or unbiased reviews going this route. Tip #2 Don t Overspend! When it comes to hosting, you don t want to buy a crazy package with tons of perks and options just to run a basic blog. Overpaying for something is just a quick way to empty your wallet and the money you d wa


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